Thesis (Integrated Master) Defence/Presentation of Mr Xristos Tsigkos, entitled:

"Design and Implementation of an Embedded System for IoT, based on Blockchain and Cloud Technologies",

on Thursday, September 28, 2023, 10:00 am,

Computer Engineering and Informatics Department, University of Patras, Hellas.

(The defence/presentation will be available also, in real time, online.)

The Kid-Off meeting of the project:

"Behavioral Next Generation in Wireless Networks for Cyber Security: BEiNG-WISE",

will take place at Brussels, Belgium,

September 22, 2023.


Please find details on the new published book entitled,

Internet of Everything for Smart City and Smart Healthcare Applications, editors Nishu Gupta, Sumita Mishra, Springer, ISBN: 9783031346002, 2023,

with our book chapter joint contribution:

E. Konstantopoulou, N. Sklavos, I. Ognjanovic, "Securing Public Safety Mission Critical 5G Communications of Smart Cities",

The full chapter can be accessed via Springer .


The paper entitled:

"Area-Delay Efficient Security Scheme for Smart Hospital Systems", 

authored by K. Tsantikidou, D. Boufeas, N. Sklavos,


will be presented during,

2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Security and Resilience (IEEE CSR 2023),

Venice, Italy, July 31 – August 2, 2023. 

The paper, entitled:

"Securing 5G/6G Communications in Smart Cities: Novel SNOW-V/ZUC-256 Multimode Architectures",

authored by E. Konstantopoulou, G. S. Athanasiou, N. Sklavos,


will be presented during

2023, International Conference on Security and Management (SAM’23),

Las Vegas, USA, July 24–27, 2023.


Thesis (Integrated Master) Defence/Presentation of A. A. Sigourou, entitled:

"Evaluation of Resistance of an Atomic Pattern Cryptographic Algorithm Against a Side-Channel Attack, Using Open Source Libraries",

Monday, July 03, 2023, 12:00, pm.

(The presentation will also via available online, in real time.)


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